There are 5 of us - me, my husband Drew, and our three children, Bailey, Sarah and Andrew. We have been a Navy family for over 20 years - (when did THAT happen?) - and, honestly, I've enjoyed almost every bit of it. There have been times, duty stations, cities, etc..., that haven't been my favorite, but each one has contributed to the experience. I've seen things and been places I never even imagined as a kid growing up in a small town on the Eastern Shore of Maryland (around 300 residents and NO stop lights!).
We have moved around a lot. I think my kids are better for it. Would they agree? I know one - possibly two - would, but the youngest, I'm not so sure. He's the quiet, reserved one. He likes to know what he is getting into before he tries something new. Likes to have all the bases covered. Twelve years old and in the 6th grade. That's Andrew.
Andrew - age 12 |
Sarah's my middle child. She's been a renegade since she was born. Sometimes I wonder where she came from. For a while, she was the one that needed me the most - I think it was due to her brother being born when she was only 18 months old. She didn't get to be my "baby" for very long. We moved to Japan when she was almost 2 years old. Being "forward deployed" meant Drew was gone a lot. At bedtime, she would climb into my bed, snuggle down beside me, grab a bunch of my hair and pat her face with it until she fell asleep. I miss those days. She's 13 years old now - 14! in February - and doesn't need me much any more. She'd rather talk to her older sister than get advice from Mom. I'm sure that'll change. I can be patient.
Sarah - 13 years old |
And that brings me to my 1st born! Bailey. She is 17 and a senior in high school. SAT's and ACT's are complete. Essays are written and college applications have been sent in! Crazy. I didn't think I was that old. It's an exciting time for her. Exciting for me too - and emotional. She brought home a copy of a recommendation letter that one of her teachers wrote for her. Yeah, I couldn't even read it out loud to my husband. I know how great she is, but it was really cool to see that someone else sees it too.
Bailey at 17. |
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the awesome photographer who took all of these! Her name is
Leigh Skaggs and we are thrilled with the 2 photo shoots she did for us!
And now... I'm going to go sew!